On the Friday evening of the weekend before my twenty-fourth wedding anniversary (and a week-long, sorely needed vacation to celebrate it!), I was very unexpectedly greeted with an intestinal blockage. My stomach swelled to a large rock, and I was rushed by ambulance to Saint Francis Hospital where I had been treated well in the past.
From the moment I arrived at the Hospital, I was received with professional and respectful care. Relatively quickly, I was informed of the diagnosis and the procedure necessary to possibly avoid surgery. I was admitted to the Hospital on July 25.
I particularly want to acknowledge the nurses and nurses' aides who took care of me. I have no idea if they were experiencing any personal or professional stresses in their life, because when they were with me, their only concern seemed to be me and my recovery. What is most remarkable was that every single one seemed as dedicated as the last. As a psychologist, I know the importance of, and can recognize sincere compassion when it is given. It was given to me even during the middle of the night when I was uncomfortable and embarrassed.
I spent the weekend in the hospital. I was able to be discharged on my anniversary. It was a very happy celebration for me and my family, and we have the Saint Francis staff to thank for making that happen.
Thank you,
Jack Chinsky