Saint Francis Foundation

Finding Purpose After Breast Cancer

In November 2022, after a joyful Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends, Chris received life-altering news: “You have cancer.” Like many during the pandemic, Chris had to reschedule routine medical appointments. Eventually, she noticed unexplained weight loss and went for a checkup with her gynecologist, Dr. Maria Ellis. A mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy revealed she had triple-negative breast cancer.

Facing months of treatment, Chris was sustained by her faith in God and prayer, the outstanding care she received at Saint Francis Hospital’s Smilow Cancer Hospital. Under the guidance of Dr. Zia Rahman, she underwent weekly chemotherapy from December to June. In July, Dr. White performed her surgery, followed by radiation treatments by Dr. Grew from August through October. Throughout this journey, Chris found the professionalism and compassion of the entire care team invaluable. The doctors and nurses at Saint Francis not only managed her physical care but provided emotional support that helped her persevere through the toughest moments.

Chris also had a strong personal support system. Her mother became her primary caregiver, Dr. Scheuster Christie, retired Saint Francis Hospital surgeon, helped her navigate the disease process, and friends and colleagues from the University of Hartford organized a Meal Train. However, it was the care at Saint Francis that stood out most for Chris. She felt truly uplifted by the love and dedication of the hospital staff, who helped her feel supported every step of the way.

Now cancer-free, Chris is finding her purpose and channeling her experience by creating the Miracle Cancer Foundation.  Her organization will focus on cancer awareness, education, advocacy, research, drug trials, and collaboration with other organizations.  A special emphasis will be placed on helping women of color. Through her foundation, she hopes to offer others the same level of care she received, ensuring that no one faces their cancer journey alone.